Proper Posture

Proper Standing Posture


  • Stand straight and tall, with shoulders slightly back (not rounded)
  • Head straight with chin slightly tucked, not pushing forward. Test yourself by backing up against a wall – your heels, butt, shoulder blades and back of your head should all comfortably touch the wall
  • Your weight should be mainly spread across the balls of your feet, with less weight on your heels
  • feet should be at shoulder-width to a few inches wider 
  • Let arms hang naturally down the sides of the body
  • Avoid locking out your knees for prolonged periods
  • If you will be standing for a long periods, shift weight from one leg/foot to the other. Also move your weigh distribution around (toes to heels) to keep blood flow to your legs
  • Avoid wearing high heels.

Posture when Sitting in a Chair

  • If you sit for prolonged periods (ie. An office job), be sure your chair is adjusted to fit your height and designed (ergonomically) so your back is properly supported
  • The base of the chair should be adjusted so your knees are slightly lower (to even with) your hips
  • The base of the chair should also be angled forward so that your low back has proper lordosis (or slight curvature)
  • If the chair has arm, they should be placed at 90 degree
  • Your back should be aligned against the back of the chair, your head and shoulders erect and balanced. You should not be slouching or leaning forward over your thighs
  • Your feet should be grounded/flat on the floor. If your feet can’t reach the floor comfortably, a footrest should be used
  • Sit close to your work are and avoid over-reaching
  • The chair should have a lumbar support – If your chair does not have a lumbar support a pillow or rolled up towel will work
  • Don't sit for long periods without getting up, even if you are sitting with perfect posture. Aim to get up and stretch at least every hour

Walking Posture

  • Keep your legs, hips/torso, shoulders and head in alignment
  • Keep the head straight, chin back and eyes looking straight ahead
  • Don’t push your head forward
  • Keep your shoulders back and chest up and center over your hips
  • Your arms should remain hanging relaxed by your sides
  • As you breathe in shrug your shoulders back slightly (chest up) and then release on the exhale, letting them relax and fall slightly back.

Proper Lifting Posture

  • Don't attempt to lift objects that are too heavy or awkward
  • When you are lifting, keep the object close to your body, your head up, keep your back straight and use your legs to do most of the work.
  • Try to tighten your stomach muscles which will help keep your back stable.

Proper Sleeping Posture

  • It is best to sleep on your side or on your back (not your stomach).
  • Your mattress should provide firm support for the spine and the body
  • Us a pillow to support your legs and remove stress from your lower back: For side sleeping put a pillow between your knees and if you are sleeping on your back, place the pillow under your knees
  • Your head pillow should have enough support to maintain the natural curves of the neck

Proper Driving Posture

  • Sit with the back firmly against the seat for proper back support
  • The seat should be a proper distance from the pedals and steering wheel to avoid leaning forward or reaching
  • The headrest should support the middle of the head to keep it upright. Tilt the headrest forward if possible to make sure that the head-to-headrest distance is not more than four inches

Walking and Foot Posture